Health Benefits Of Eating Amla

Health Benefits Of Eating Amla

Meet the superfruit Amla! To keep you healthiest and the best. You must be knowing it as a sour and bitter tasting fruit that every mother tries to add in some other veggies and make you eat it. Amla is considered the best for better health and immunity. You consume it in any form it will be equally beneficial to you. In India amla is used frequently for the benefits that have been disclosed from generation to generation and we should know the benefits of eating amla.

Get To Know Amla Health Benefits

Amla Health Benefits
  • Helps in the common cold : Amla is one of the richest natural sources of Vitamin C and has excellent immunity boosting and antioxidant properties in it. Consuming amla on a daily basis means consuming Vitamin C which results in better performance of other cells of the immune system. So if you are having a cold do consume the amla juice, benefits the immunity and helps you recover fast.
  • Help Lower the Cholesterol levels : If you are having bad cholesterol and keeping it on good levels is difficult for you then eating amla can be beneficial for you to level your cholesterol and for healthy circulation with overall cardiovascular health.
  • Weight Loss :  Amla has a property of high-fat burning and it is shown in various studies that including amla in your diet can help you with weight loss. It accelerates metabolism, reduces fat deposits, and improves protein synthesis. It is also useful for controlling obesity in people, especially those suffering from diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
  • Improve in Digestion : The fruit is fibrous and the fiber content in it reduces the problem of constipation and other digestive discomforts. It is a favored digestion fruit as it increases the action of gastric juice from the food decomposition which is also useful to relieve any stomach heaviness or gas issue.
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties : The effectiveness of Amla extract for arthritis, joint pain, hay fever, and osteoporosis is very high. The benefits of eating amla are capable at reducing the expression of proinflammatory cells such as cytokines, cox, and other mediators that are present in chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, among others
  • Helps in Supporting healthy blood glucose : As amla helps in metabolism it promotes the uptake of glucose and helps in maintaining the level of blood glucose. It protects the pancreatic cells from oxidative damage and reduces oxidative stress. Amla also helps in insulin release and preventing post meal sugar spikes.
  • Support Cancer Treatment : Consumption of Amla does not induce apoptosis but they do can be helpful in stopping the tumor growth rate. Amla has an antitumor effect in it with certain cancers like colon or lung cancer and the extract of this fruit can help induce apoptosis of cancer cells without affecting other healthy body cells.

Amla Health Benefits On The Skin

amla benefits for skin - Health Benefits Of Eating Amla

Amla removes the impurities from the skin and deeply cleanses and purifies the skin which provides luminosity to the face. It is a great astringent power. Amla can be used by all skin types especially for the ones who are suffering from dull or devitalized skin. Amla is considered a great regenerator of skin which helps in fighting against the signs of aging.

Read Also: Amla for Diabetes: Manage Blood Sugar Naturally with Amla

Benefits Of Eating Amla For Hair Growth

Eating Amla For Hair Growth - Health Benefits Of Eating Amla

Amla helps in stimulating the roots of the hair and strengthens them. The antioxidant power in it combats premature graying and slows down the hair fall. Amla also leaves a conditioning effect that provides softness and shines to the hair while improving its texture of it. It also helps prevent split ends.

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Amla Juice Benefits

Amla Juice Benefits - Health Benefits Of Eating Amla

Amla juice is not only delicious but also versatile. It is highly nutritious and associates with various health benefits. 

Here we sharing a few amla juice benefits.

  • Regular consumption of amla juice reduced cholesterol levels. 
  • It helps in managing diabetes and respiratory ailments like asthma.
  • Amla juice helps in clearing the digestive system and strengthens it.
  • It flushes out toxins from the body.
  • Alma juice helps in supporting liver function.
  • Amla juice is rich in iron, calcium, and phosphorous which can be a complete nutritional drink in itself.
  • The amino acid and protein that is present in amla helps in hair growth, tackles hair fall, and strengthens the roots.

Intake of Amla Juice

Amla juice should be taken first thing in the morning for best results. Have a small portion of 20 to 30 ml of amla juice and dilute it in a glass of water. You can even choose to mix it with lemon juice and honey in it to enhance the palatability. Amla juice if taken right before sleeping can be a great deal; as it helps in detoxifying the ill effects of junk food.

Read Also: Ministry Of AYUSH Ayurveda’s Immunity-Boosting Measures & Guidelines

 Benefits Of Eating Amla

  • Improves eyesight :  Amla is a good source of fruit that helps in improving vision. The daily consumption of amla can be healthy for your eyes as amla can reduce the cataract problem, itching, or watering of eyes. It is rich in Vitamin A that lowers the risk of age related macular degeneration. 
  • Helps build immunity : Amla’s antibacterial and astringent properties boost one’s immune system. Health problems including cancer are caused by oxidative damage and they leave behind harmful by-products called free radicals and here amla can help in protecting the cell.
  • Manages Chronic conditions : Amla juice is loaded with chromium which helps in reducing a bad cholesterol level. It also helps stimulate insulin production, which reduces the blood glucose level of diabetics. Having amla juice every day early in the morning or whenever you feel that your blood pressure is raised will help you in keeping the level of your blood pressure in control.
  • Pain relief : Arthritis, joint aches, or painful mouth ulcers whatever the pain is the amla can provide relief owing to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Amla treats wounds and researchers say that the extracts of amla are useful in easing postoperative and neuropathic pain. If you are going through ulcers, you have to simply dilute the amla juice in half a cup of water and gargle with it.


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