With the advent of technology, we have become slaves to our sedentary lifestyle. We are taking more rest than we are doing the work, at least physically. But the sedentary lifestyle has also given birth to many diseases, diabetes being one of the most widely spread one, along with obesity, heart diseases and stress-related diseases. Obesity and diabetes have become pals in this world of lifestyle-related world of diseases.
India has become one of the centres for diabetes with even children being diagnosed with it every day. The data from the first WHO report shows that there were around 31.7 million diabetic patients in India at the end of the millennium, which had grown 4 times from the 1980s. If this wasn’t shocking enough, the data predict that there would be almost 100% growth in the number of diabetics in India with more than 70 million people being affected by this disease in 2030.
Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a chronic condition which affects the metabolism in your body by restricting the production of insulin by the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas which is a key catalyst that passes sucrose/glucose or sugar from the food that we eat to the bloodstream to be absorbed by the cells to produce energy. When the body is unable to produce the required amount of insulin or is unable to utilize the insulin that is produced by the pancreas, it leads to the excessive accumulation of sugar in the body leading to higher levels of sugar in the bloodstream, called as hyperglycemia.

There are three types of diabetes that are categorized as follows:
- Type 1 Diabetes occurs mostly in children and adolescents. In Type 1 diabetes, your body is unable to produce insulin in an amount that is required by the body to process food. People with type 1 diabetes have to take regular insulin injection to maintain blood sugar level under control.
- Type 2 diabetes occurs generally in adults. Type-2 diabetes is often associated with lifestyle issues and happens when your body is unable to utilize the insulin produced by your body. In such cases, lifestyle changes in diet and increasing physical activity is often required to manage the condition.
- Gestational Diabetes (GDM) is associated with high blood sugar level in pregnant women which might create complications for the mother and the child. Gestational diabetes generally disappears once the pregnancy is over but leaves the mother and the child at an increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes later in their lives.

Diabetes, known as madhumey in Ayurveda is known to be a silent killer and if not managed properly, the excessive accumulation of sugar in your body can lead to damage to tissues and organ failure in long-term. Since most of the diabetes cases occur due to lifestyle-related causes, it is possible to manage diabetes by following a few ayurvedic suggestions and tips at home.
Ayurveda is an ancient medical science that originated in India that studied the beneficial properties of herbs provided by mother Earth. Here are some top 7 superfoods and ayurvedic remedies that you can try at home to control your blood sugar levels.
- Karela or bitter gourd juice is one of the excellent beverages that a diabetic can drink to manage diabetes. The bitter gourd juice contains a special type of insulin known as p-insulin that helps in controlling the high levels of blood sugar. You can take a glass of fresh karela juice every morning to manage diabetes easily.
- Methi dana or fenugreek seeds are rich in high amounts of soluble fibre which helps in slowing down the digestion of food and absorption of carbohydrates by the body thus helping in reducing the sudden rise in the sugar level. Soak methi dana every night in warm water. Filter the water in the morning to remove the seeds and drink the fenugreek water every day on an empty stomach every day.
- Cinnamon helps in lowering the blood sugar level by imitating the properties of insulin and helping in increased transportation of sugar to the cells. Studies have shown that taking a glass of water with cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity immediately that can last up to 12 hours.
- Jamun seeds when taken in powdered form can prove to be beneficial in controlling the sugar levels in the body. The seeds contain alkaloids that help in converting starch into energy easily while reducing diabetic symptoms like feeling excessively thirsty or hungry.
- Amla or Indian gooseberry is another magical herb that helps in increasing the body’s sensitivity towards the usage of insulin and thus proving immensely beneficial for the management of diabetes. Amla can be taken in a powdered form, diluted with water every morning to keep your blood sugar in the bay.
- Triphala is an excellent natural cleanser that flushes out the toxins from the gut quite literally and helps in maintaining sugar levels in the body.
- Neem, known for its antioxidant and anti-microbial and antiseptic qualities is a well-known herb in Ayurveda that also boosts metabolism thus becoming an effective supplement in managing diabetes in daily lives. The tree’s bark extract can be used in managing this condition effectively.
So, have you had any experience in using any of these remedies? Comment to share your experience with us.